Filter paging toolbar will help users to filter the rows of grid. Users can select as target all or some of columns. It works with remote and local filtering. The code is pushed into one class (extension of the paging toolbar) to make the usage easier.
Automatically resizing grid columns to the longest content width.
Sometimes we need to show the content of all the cells of grid without cutting them. For this purpose you can use auto-resize grid cells plugin. The plugin does not work with flexed columns, it just removes the flex property. To keep the flex property you need to check if the column configured with flex and do not the ‘autoSize’ method.
Form field triggers with dynamic glyph icons (all except triton-theme)
To set the icon in field triggers you will have to use the ‘iconCls’ property. Unfortunately there is a bug in the classic-theme (it works in triton-theme). In the override you can see new property ‘glyph’ and new method ‘setGlyph(glyph). The last one will let you change the glyph pragmatically.
Fat Stupid Ugly Controllers in ExtJS
MVC architectural pattern is introduced in ExtJS from version 4. The 5-th version added the support of MVVC. These patterns gave a birth to so called Fat Stupid and Ugly Controllers. FSUC and God View Objects makes the code highly complicated.
Dynamic action column glyph icons
In standard grid columns we have a renderer property which is used to represent data in appropriate way. Unfortunately this feature is missing in action column but we can add it using the following override for ‘Ext.grid.column.Action’ class.
Generating workspaces
Sencha workspace helps us to share ext framework, code and third-party packages. It is very useful if you are going to develop more then one one-page-applications.
Generating ExtJS application
There are two toolkits in ExtJS: classic and modern. Classic toolkit is the old ExtJS5’s layer. It is used to create desktop applications. Modern toolkit is used for touch devices. Here I will show you how to generate desktop application using only classic toolkit.