Edge date picker of ‘Ext.field.Date‘ is generally used on small form-factor devices. However, bug happens when you use multiple date fields. It was described by RC on stack-overflow and it took a bit more time for me to fix it.
Edge date picker of ‘Ext.field.Date‘ is generally used on small form-factor devices. However, bug happens when you use multiple date fields. It was described by RC on stack-overflow and it took a bit more time for me to fix it.
To create a sub grid in a grid expandable row (Modern Toolkit), you can extend the existing ‘RowExpander‘ plugin and override the ‘onGridTap’ method. This technique can be used to show FormPanel, Tree or some other custom ExtJs component in the expanded row body.
Looks like the modern toolkit’s Cell Editing Plugin does not support events as it is designed in the classic toolkit. I have added the missing feature in form of override.
I have spend about an hour to fix the stripes “bug”. When you are using the Classic, Grey, Neptune and Triton themes you will see the grid rows in different colors depend on the odd or even row index. Ok, it was not a bug. The problem was in one of my displays, it just did not show the grey shade. On another monitors you I had to change the angel of view to see the stripes.
ExtJS 6.5.3 and older versions has a bug. If you are using ‘Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander’ plugin, the expanded rows will be collapsed after grid’s store reload/sort, on any refresh of the grid view.