View-model is very convenient method for creating bindings in simple forms. You can bind the  data also to child elements and/or use stand alone view-models for child elements, but I would be very careful with it (global and local environment paradigms). You can also get access to the view-model in view-controllers using method and get/set the data from there.

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Sometimes we need to show the content of all the cells of grid without cutting them. For this purpose you can use auto-resize grid cells plugin. The plugin does not work with flexed columns, it just removes the flex property. To keep the flex property you need to check if the column configured with flex and do not the ‘autoSize’ method.

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To set the icon in field triggers you will have to use the ‘iconCls’ property. Unfortunately there is a bug in the classic-theme (it works in triton-theme). In the override you can see new property ‘glyph’ and new method ‘setGlyph(glyph). The last one will let you change the glyph pragmatically.

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